Surf Instruction for all.

Specializing in lessons for women of all ages in St. Augustine.

Want to learn to surf?


We offer a single 1 hr session or
package of 3 separate 1 hr sessions

1 on 1 lessons in learning to surf!

Includes all equipment &
one-on-one instruction

Family or Groups

Groups of 2-3 persons
or groups of 4-5 persons

Special rates for larger groups too!

Includes all equipment &
one-on-one instruction

Before we hit the water

You will need to bring sunscreen, towel, water bottle. 

Please print out and sign the waiver and bring it with you to your lesson.

We can come to your vacation location on the beach.

  • Private parties

  • Special yoga and surfing combos

  • Small group surf experiences

  • Surf travel opportunities

  • St. Augustine & Surrounding areas


The Salty Story

Over these last 30 years of my life, surfing has become my therapy, my fun, my excuse not to go to the gym or go running, my almighty balancer, my humbling agent, and my connection to the ocean.  It’s been transformative for me and for some of the friends and children I have taught over the years. 

Three years ago, a fellow friend in my running group asked me to teach her to surf for her 40th birthday.  She hasn’t stopped and now we surf and travel all over the place together on surfaris!  As a former classroom teacher, sharing something I love comes naturally to me.  Trying something hard (like surfing) can be intimidating so let a Salty Sistah help you! 

3 Great Reasons to Try Surfing


your confidence! Surfing is challenging and when we try something hard, well, it can
feel really good!


your strength! Surfing is good
for both mental and physical


with something larger than yourself! The ocean is your playground and is really hard
to beat.

Monique Lopez

“Salty Sistahs Surfing is the best place for your kids to learn to surf! Beth is an amazing instructor and an equally amazing person. My kids knew nothing about surfing, and they were both standing up on the board and having a blast on their 1st lesson. They both wanted to go surfing everyday this summer after taking surf lessons. Beth takes her time with your children and loves what she does. I 100% promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Lorena Rodriguez

“Beth is an awesome surf instructor. She is patient and kind. She guides you through the whole process of surfing and makes you feel safe and confident. Totally recommend Salty Sistahs for your surf lessons! “